Our Mission

Nuestra Misión

CAFÉ is a non-profit organization that advances family and community growth through education. We serve our culturally diverse community providing opportunities in leadership, civic and social engagement, literacy development, and academic advancement.

CAFÉ's alliance with regional partners creates a unified community that seeks to empower all of its members.

CAFÉ es una organización sin fines de lucro que promueve el crecimiento de la familia y la comunidad a través de la educación. Servimos a nuestra comunidad diversa, proporcionando oportunidades de liderazgo, participación cívico y social, y el desarrollo de la alfabetización familiar.

Nuestra alianza con socios regionales crea una comunidad unida que trabaja para empoderar a todos sus miembros.

Our Priorities | Nuestras Prioridades

  • Family Education

  • Community Participation

  • Promoting Leadership

  • Environmental Justice

  • Educación Familiar

  • Participación en Asuntos Civicos y Comuniatrios

  • Promoviendo el Liderazgo

  • Justicia Ambiental


Jorge Chacón

Dr. Jorge R. Chacón graduated with a Doctor of Psychology in 2005 from the accredited Southern California University for Professional Studies. He has worked in the counseling field in various capacities since 1969, including experiences as case manager, mental health clinician, educator and administrator.


Alma Chacón

Alma Chacón graduated with a Masters Degree from the University of Washington. She has 30 plus years experience in the educational field that includes K-12 teaching, principal and administration. Additional experience includes supervision of statewide Bilingual and Title III Programs for the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, and provision of statewide assistance to school districts specifically for program/curriculum reviews, training and coaching.

Specialized training or certifications include:

  • K-12 Educator

  • Bilingual Education

  • ELL Specialist

  • Principal

  • Superintendent Credentials

  • GLAD Tier I & II

CAFÉ Updates

Meet the CAFÉ Team

Wenatchee, WA

Tonantzintla “Tona” Chacón

Executive Director

Maria Morales

Programs Manager

Yametzin '“Metz” Chacón

HR & Operations Manager

Ana Sanchez

Executive Assistant

Angelica Garcia-Macias

Community Equity Coordinator

Colin Ryan

Facility Manager

Deysi Lucero

Education Coordinator

Francisco Jimenez

Youth Empowerment and Support Coordinator

Gabby Guerra-Torres

Community Engagement Coordinator

Jazmin Sánchez

CAFÉ Language Connections Coordinator

Joanna Sánchez-Aviña

Small Business Coordinator

Marco Granados Vidriales

Program Support Specialist

Mona Lopez

Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator

Stephanie Gúzman

Outreach Specialist

Yesenia Perez

Environmental Justice Coordinator

Recovery Navigators of Chelan-Douglas Counties


Carmen Gonzalez

Recovery Navigator Coordinator

Elizabeth “Liz” Black

Recovery Navigator Specialist

Madeleine Ramos

Recovery Navigator Specialist


Nereo Lima

Recovery Navigator Specialist

Travis Aasen

Recovery Navigator Specialist

Patrick Lyons

Recovery Navigator Specialist


CAFÉ - Yakima, WA


Micaela Carrasco

Yakima Branch Manager

Yakima, WA

Maria Rivera

Community Program Coordinator

Yakima, WA

Jerry “Jaye” Elmo, Jr.

Environmental Justice Organizer

Yakima, WA


Meet CAFÉ’s Board of Directors

Dulce Negrete


  • Crestview Law

    "I have many years of experience working with the Hispanic community in both volunteer capacities and in my profession as an attorney. CAFE's work in our community is something that inspires me greatly, so I am very excited for the opportunity to bring my professional and volunteer experiences to CAFE's board."

  • Our Valley Our Future

    "I am inspired by CAFE's work helping people break through barriers so their lives can be better. The potential for us to collectively move forward as a community so everyone here has an opportunity to thrive is squarely in front of us."


Nelson Delgado


Board Members

Alma Morales

  • WA Higher Education Facilities Authority

    "I believe in the mission of CAFE, to advance family and community growth through education. I have witnessed the power of education in changing lives in positive and profound ways. The opportunity to support students, families, and our culturally diverse community is an honor. "


Lucy Garcia

  • Community Health Plan of Washington

    "Over the years, I have seen the amazing work CAFÉ is doing in our community. I am passionate about giving everyone resources to meet their goals, devoted to our community and seek to improve the quality of life for our members. I am honored to be part of CAFÉ’s amazing team as a board member."


Myra Hernandez


Steve Wilkinson